Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Corner Shelf

Corner Shelf Project

Start out with a 1"x12" whiteboard. 

Cut into ~11.5" x ~11.5" squares.  Chop off the corner a little on the pieces that are going to run horizontal.  I used the router then and smoothed the top and bottom edges and sanded them to make them smooth.

Kreg jig is king.  I put 3 screws in each of these pieces.  It turned out sturdy.

Piecing it together.

The final product.  Paint and install.  Don't have the finished pictures, but this is neat for a kids room.


This spring we planted a few pepper plants.  7 to be exact.  AND, this is the first year that we have ever been successful with them!

 SO, I got a few peppers off the plants and decided its time to make some sliced jalapenos, what else do you do with them?(other than making the pepper jelly that my wife makes!)  I picked 50 peppers off of these plants, good harvest I say. 
Slice 'em all up. (use gloves next time!)
Heres my recipe.  1 clove Fresh garlic, 2 cups water, 2 cups vinegar, 4 tablespoons sugar, 4 tablespoons kosher salt, and LOVE...
Bring it to a boil, put the japs in and then take them off of the heat.

Can, seal, and wait...  These will be good in a few weeks!  I can't wait.